Breast Self Exams

A breast self-examination (BSE) at home can help you identify any abnormalities in your breast region. Using the correct technique for a self-exam, women can sometimes find any abnormal lumps, growth, or fluid-filled cysts in their breasts.

Regular BSEs can help identify breast cancer abnormalities in their early stages.

BSE education

You can consult your doctor and ask them to teach you the correct technique for performing a BSE.

Methods for BSE

Instead of using your fingertips for the exam, use the flat pad region of your fingers to inspect your breast. Apply a range of light, medium and firm pressure to the breast region. Inspect the area carefully and work your way around the area, feeling for any lumps around your lymph nodes, armpits, collar bones, breastbone and just below your breasts.

Lying down

Lying down, place a pillow under your right shoulder. With your right hand over your head, examine your right breast and adjacent area with the flat pads of your left-hand fingers.

Repeat the procedure on the other side for your left breast examination.

Before a mirror

Standing in front of a mirror, look for any abnormalities on your breasts. Any type of swelling, bulging, dimpling, retractions, skin irritation, changes in nipples or moles should be of concern.

In the shower

Wet and soapy skin can reduce friction and help you feel any lumps more easily.

Things to remember:

  • Practice regular BSEs.
  • Take charge of your health.
  • Have your doctor perform annual breast exams.
  • Schedule annual mammograms.
When should you get your mammogram?
  • Women between the ages of 20 and 39 should schedule a breast mammogram once every three years.
  • Women above the age of 40 should have a mammogram once every year.
  • Women aged 20 and older should self-inspect their breasts once every month.

Facts about breast cancer

  • A woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer every 2 minutes.
  • Breast cancer is the second-most-prevalent cancer that causes death in women.
  • The chance of a woman having breast cancer in her lifetime is around 13%. This means there’s a 1 in 8 chance that a woman will test positive for breast cancer.
  • A mammogram can help diagnose breast cancer in its early stages. This early inspection increases the chance of successful treatment and recovery in most women.

At TOPS Comprehensive Breast Center, we are equipped with some of the latest mammography equipment to help women catch signs of breast cancer in its early stages. Whether you come in for a routine mammogram or need specialized 3D mammography, please call to make your appointment. Our healthcare staff creates a relaxing environment with the goal of delivering quality healthcare for you.

You can contact us to learn more about our advanced facility and find a physician specialist who is right for you.

Marian Bonner

Marian Bonner, MD



Breast Center
Matthew Clower

Matthew Clower, MD



Breast Center
Magda Ghobashy

Magda Ghobashy, MD



Breast Center
Vivian Mai-Tran

Vivian Mai-Tran, MD



Breast Center
Alexandra Millet

Alexandra Millet, MD



Breast Center
Amy Nordmann

Amy Nordmann, MD



Breast Center
Melissa O'Toole

Melissa O'Toole, MD



Breast Center
Melanie Pickering

Melanie Pickering, DO



Breast Center
Stephen Rose

Stephen Rose, MD



Breast Center
Anupama Shultz

Anupama Shultz, MD



Breast Center
Reena Vashi

Reena Vashi, MD



Breast Center